Thursday, May 19, 2011

God Flooded the Mississippi

Yes God did it. Why did god flood the Mississippi. It did it because we messed the gulf up. The only way to help was to put some dirt on it. Ever clean up some oil from your driveway? Best thing to use is some dirt. The water flooded the land to cleanse the farmland of all the pesticides and debri that we have polluted the area with. This in turn will spill into the ocean creating new habitats for the fish and animals that have lost most of their area. This is the way to replenish the earth. Putting dirt and soil on top of the oil that has settled on the bottom of the Gulf is the only way to make sure that generations will have some form of food that they can eat in coming years. This will also help to reimburse the wetlands with new areas for grass to grow. The earth will be just fine unless we continue with this foolishness. I think the persons that were predicting the end saw the prophecy wrong. The end can also be seen as a new beginning. The catastophe that some are predicting is really a cleansing which is what they say will happen anyway. Good job recognizing the real way the word should have been interpreted.


NGA-Radio said...

Same idea for the post I had. Great read and good job bro.

tino panama said...

thanks man