Thursday, January 3, 2013

Leaked Tape Of Steubenville High School Students Joking About The Gang Rape Of Unconscious 16-Year-Old! " Anonymous launched an attack on Ohio's Steubenville High School football players accused of gang raping a 16-year-old girl who was unconscious during a night of parties. KnightSec, an arm of the hacker collective that specifically targets rapists, demanded a public apology be issued to the young woman and warned that it would release personal information of Big Red football players and staff who have defended the accused young men. No apology was issued by the hackers' deadline of Jan. 1. That day, a video was leaked of a teenage boy a former Steubenville High baseball team member captured cruelly joking about the sexual assault. She is so raped, he laughs, continuing in offensive tirade including the lines, They raped her quicker than Mike Tyson and they raped her more than the Duke lacrosse team, grossly quipping that the unconscious girl was deader than Trayvon Martin, even as other voices captured in the video interject, saying, "Thats not cool bro!, That's like rape. It is rape. They raped her. Other teens in the video laugh along. Police released a statement following the video's release stating that they were already aware of the footage and had interviewed the young man who made the video, but did not comment further." - Salon.Com

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