Monday, August 20, 2012

Woman Spitting on Romney Supporter at Wisconsin Rally! Big Fight

On Friday, a protester disrupted a meeting between Republican Wisconsin state Sen. Alberta Darling and her constituency. After interrupting the meeting, the protester was shouted down and resorted to spitting on the Darling supporters who argued with her. As she was ushered out of the event, Darling’s supporters began spontaneously chanting Mitt Romney’s name.
In a video published by the The Appleton Post-Crescent and republished in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Darling’s campaign appearance is disrupted by a protester who has been identified as Mary Hoglund.
Hoglund interrupts Darling’s speech to ask her why she supports taking funds away from Planned Parenthood. When Hoglund is asked to wait by a frustrated Darling supporter, she spits in her face. A quick brawl ensued in which Hoglund claims that she was scratched. The Journal-Sentinel reports that the event was organized by Romney’s campaign.
The incident occurred at an event called “Wisconsin Women for Mitt.” Darling said it was unfortunate that the meeting was disrupted but said people were “energized and enthusiastic” about the Romney-Paul Ryan ticket.
The Journal-Sentinel notes that the event was also attended by Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch.

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